Premium Listings Rs 300 |
- Prominently displays your property listing
on search result page.
- Facility to display property image.
- Listing remains live on the site for minimum
180 days.
- This listing generates more responses from
property seekers as compared to general listing
General Listings Free |
- Displays your property on search result
- Most cost effective tool to advertise your
- Listing remains live on the site for minimum
30 days.
- Get free listing(s) on registration
Register Now
Top Premium Ad |
Advertising |
- Displays randomly 3 Ads continuously, on top
right of the website. Ads appears almost on 98%
pages of the site giving high visitor traffic.
Featured Builders |
Advertising |
- Featured Builder Ad Appears on Homepage,
randomly giving opportunities to all advertisers
to display their Ad.
- You will not any charged when your Ad
- Full Ad Statistics in My Account Section.
- Ability to change your banner any time.
- Other than Homepage, Ads will also appear on
city search page on left side panel.
Featured Scrolling
Projects |
Advertising |
- Featured Scrolling Advertising section is
one of the best place for builders & Corporate's
to advertise their completed, ongoing projects
or Book now Projects.
- Easy to handle your project details from My
Account Section.
- You'll not charged at Per Click Scheme.
- Scrolling Ads display on Homepage & City
Search Pages.
Featured Brokers |
Advertising |
- Excellent Advertising way for Brokers, Real
Estate Consultants & Consultancy for their
- Complete Area Based Advertising.
- Easy to manage Logo from My Account Section.
- Ad Appears on city search pages.
- On click Detailed page description of Broker
& all its properties.